Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lactose Intolerant Among Stats Canada Why Do I Feel Horrible After Taking Acidophilus / Probiotics?

Why do I feel horrible after taking acidophilus / probiotics? - lactose intolerant among stats canada


I was on a strict diet without dairy products for year (I'm lactose intolerant). Therefore, I was told that she should take probiotics such as acidophilus as a replacement for my good intestinal bacteria. However, if you take probiotics after a long time without reason, I feel terrible - develops a foul odor in the nose, sinuses swell up a little, and fill in general "sick" everywhere. I do not think that this is a coincidence with another thing that I eat, because if you stop the probiotics, these symptoms disappear. Perhaps the fact that they are "based on dairy products, probiotics, and I'm lactose intolerant?" Not sure. They are so small, it should not be that much lactose in them. Perhaps my body is "used" good bacteria message? Is this just a temporary phase of adjustment?

I really want to know whether this is a symptom among humans, probiotics are well known for a long time without them. It would be interesting to know.

Thank you very much

1 comment:

a jaded angel said...

May have expired in probiotics. Check the expiration date. You can go wrong. I've heard that also need refrigeration.

Try a different brand of probiotics, which has no lactose. Or you could take your probiotics lactose and make sure they take pills with lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose for people with allergies.) (Get them) in health food stores.

Or you could try a different strain of probiotics such as L. bifidus. Probiotics are not so different. Some people who do not fit well with good results with L. acidophilus, bifidus. (again, health food stores)

This is probably the best choice.

Good luck

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