Dental insurance question? - individual dental insurance washington
I live in Washington State and my employer does not offer dental insurance in March 2010. I need a root canal done and the extraction of teeth, some are at a critical level. Is it possible to buy an individual plan from any insurance, so you can get in the door. 99% of dentists did not speak to you without insurance and I do not blame them. I do not care if I have to pay only $ 1000 to do just to work, that everyone knows the safe way, and if so accepted, by a dentist in general and the work and take over the payments? Sorry if that little point that I make a lot of pain.
I encourage you to visit this great site: I registered online for over 5 years and have saved thousands of dollars for all my dental needs. Extractions, x-rays, fillings, root canals, etc ... They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was the same day. Good luck and hope this helps
Some dentist sends a payment plan for you.
Or accept some offices, which means CareCredit. Care Credit is like a credit card for dental work. My parents have requested and approved on the spot in the office of the dentist. If you want a credit card account, call a dentist to go and ask if he make the payments.
If you have a dental school in your area, you can use the job cheaper. Talk to your dentist and see if you can payments ... Some do not.
The problem you have with dental PPO insurance and compensation schemes, or do they usually periods on certain procedures, which can last up to one year or more for free. It will not help you with your current problems.
You can check to obtain a reduction of insurance. In general, the next working day begins to register. They have low monthly costs and the reduction of dental services. You can cancel at any time with written notice of 30 shots from the company. It would be good for you because you dental insurance will contact you if your work when the time comes.
I have a link listed to verify that it is something that can help =)
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