How do you care for a Stevia plant in a pot? - stevia and avacado
My mother bought a stevia plant, and it will die. I really wanted to care for him so that he can use. Who knows, as we take a case? Please help me.
Oh! And when I come to save, how to extract the sweetness of the leaves?
1 comment:
Stevia is easy to clean. Fed a weak solution of water soluble tomato food every two weeks. Expert Gardener I 1 / 2 power and feed 1 / 2 gallon in two weeks. Use only water between meals, if necessary, must be a little dry casting, so you do not need anything between meals. Keep in full sun or partial shade. Mine are in full sun, especially, a little shade in the early fall by the change of seasons, but not much. Harvest leaves as needed, or at maturity. When you plant blooms and produces seeds for the harvest of the seeds when the level of drought, beginning in the drive to reach the seeds in the wind. The seed capsules resemble the heads of the dandelion seed is very small and can be harvested by hand. And keep only the black seeds, light seeds are not viable. Then you can plant the seeds and plants increase or together with family and friends. The seeds in the upper part of the earth, without or with minimal accompaniment, but they need light to germinate.
To extract the sweetness of the leaves, which are necessary to completely dry andconverted into a powder. I use a blender to cut the leaves into powder, then the flour through a sieve. I think 1 / 16 teaspoon is enough for a cup of coffee. If you are directly helping the powder, coffee (liquid, tea, etc.) sit a few minutes, stir and enjoy. Or you can steep the leaves in hot water to extract the sweetness, then use the water. This steep 1 / 2 cup of leaves in hot water for at least 10 minutes, strain the leaves and store the sugar water in the refrigerator until use. Levels are only for a few weeks, no more so than you use during this period.
Stevia is an excellent sweetener, especially for those who need the intake of sugar (like diabetes) limit, or if you try the non-calorie sugar, containing added sugar or honey. There are several websites with excellent information on growing, harvesting and use of stevia, including many recipes for dishes and desserts that you and your family can enjoy. Search for "Plants of Stevia and Stevia Recipes" in any search for a good gearE and plunges found in many applications.
Good luck and have fun!
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